The Most Common Myths About CBD Oil

CBD Oil or Cannabidiol has become extremely popular amongst regular people. It has become a hot topic for discussion everywhere, starting from one’s home to the grocery store’s checkout line. And, each time you discuss it, you come to learn contrasting facts about it, and this leaves you more bewildered regarding the product than before. There are myriad theories and myths about CBD and its impacts on the human body. In this article, we look at some of the common misconceptions that people have about CBD oil.


CBD is available in the market in various forms like tinctures, gummies, and cream. We see people adding it to their tea, swallowing it as capsules, chewing it as gummies, and putting it under their tongues. First, let’s understand what exactly CBD oil is and how it gets extracted and prepared.

CBD or Cannabidiol is a compound that is naturally extracted from the Hemp plant. It’s one of the 100 unique compounds found in the Cannabis plant. After getting extracted, it then undergoes a three-layer filtration process wherein the THC content, present in the compound, gets removed. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the compound that is responsible for making you intoxicated and only traces (0.3%) of it is present in CBD oil. It allows you to experience the therapeutic benefits of hemp without making you high.

Now, here are some of the myths and misconceptions about CBD oil.

Myth #1: CBD products are derived from Marijuana

Though Cannabidiol is present in Marijuana, when manufacturers extract it, they do it from industrial hemp. The hemp plant from which Cannabidiol is derived is naturally and legally grown in many US states. It’s an environment-friendly plant that is renewable and sustainable.

Myth #2: Marijuana and Hemp Have Identical Properties

Marijuana and hemp come from the same plant ancestry, but when it comes to their properties, functions, and cultivation, they’re distinct. THC, a psychoactive compound that makes you “high” or intoxicated, is present in increased proportion in Marijuana, which is used for recreational and medicinal purposes.

On the other hand, hemp contains THC in negligible amounts and CBD in higher proportions. It’s used in skin products, dietary supplements, paper, and clothing.

Myth #3: CBD Gets You Intoxicated

“CBD makes you high” or “CBD gives similar high as Cannabis does” are probably the most popular misconceptions regarding CBD products. Cannabidiol gets extracted from the Hemp plant, which contains only traces (0.3%) of THC, the compound responsible for making you high. CBD is a risk-free, non-addictive, and non-intoxicating compound.

Myth #4: CBD is a Sedative

Since CBD has a “relaxing” effect on a person’s body, many users believe CBD is a sedative. This belief has also emerged because some CBD products contain CBD from the marijuana plant, which has higher THC content, and it can make a person feel drowsy or sleepy. Many researchers are studying the impacts of CBD on mental health, cortisol levels, and anxiety relief. Many studies show that CBD can, in fact, reduce cortisol levels in the body, which can help lower stress and anxiety. And, sedation and stress relief is not the same.

Myth #5: Greater Dose Provides Greater Results

For CBD oils, a greater dose doesn’t always mean you get more intense results. Many studies conducted on the subject reveal that the therapeutic proportion of CBD per serving varies from individual to individual. Many reports also suggest that the therapeutic advantages received from full-spectrum CBD oils can be more effective at low doses. Multiple factors can play a significant role in determining the right dose of CBD for you, like your body’s metabolism, height, age, and frequency of use.

Myth #6: CBD Used Is Same for All Products

Let us suppose you purchased a CBD product, used it, and it worked better than you had ever expected. So, if you order another different CBD product and expect the same results you got from the initial product, you might not experience similar benefits. The main reason for this is the difference in the quality of CBD used in each product. Some products are made with the highest quality CBD and some with a lower quality.

You must not compromise on the quality of CBD as the benefits you experience from a product may vary from another one. Some CBD products can also result in side effects. So, it’s essential to research and buy only from a trusted brand, one which is renowned for delivering the highest quality CBD to its customers. And, don’t jump to conclusions if a CBD product didn’t work for you. Instead, try and look to purchase from a formidable and reliable company.

Myth #7: CBD Contains Zero Side Effects

Any brand or company that says CBD has zero side effects associated with it, is being unethical with its customers. It’s a fallacy that needs to be called out. Cannabidiol, like any other food or compound consumed, comes with possible side effects, especially when there is a consumption of high doses.

A study conducted by ‘The New England Journal of Medicine’ suggests that side effects of CBD, when taken at high doses, include reduced appetite, fatigue, and digestive issues. All these side effects disappeared when the dosage got halved. So, the fact of the matter is that you’ll experience zero side effects due to CBD unless you overindulge in CBD products.

Myth #8: CBD Has Scientifically Been Proven to Have No Therapeutic Benefits

Now, you might have observed that the critics of CBD oil believe that there is no concrete evidence of CBD having any health benefits. A few weeks ago, Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication that can help in treating seizure disorders in children, got approval from respective authorities. This was a colossal development for CBD.

Myth #9: The CBD Industry is a Scam 

Now, it’s true that the wellness industry will try to make as much money as they can. It doesn’t concern them whether this exploitation comes at the cost of their customers’ health. And, many sellers produce and market CBD in an immoral way. But, this doesn’t mean that all CBD products are scams.

Also, for some sellers, this scam is just another way to charge an extra $20. It doesn’t belittle the legitimate therapeutic benefits of CBD.

After reading all the fallacies and myths regarding CBD, we realize that CBD is truly one of the most controversial compounds of our times. Though some people are completely against it and the benefits it can provide, most people have, at some of the other, tried CBD and have a good opinion about it. And, opinions and views about something can easily turn into a misconception or fallacy.

Now, as consumers, we need to be aware that we don’t fall prey to the hands of disingenuous sellers. There’s a lot of stigma around the wellness industry. So, before buying a CBD product, we must do diligent research work about the brand, how it extracts Cannabidiol, and what other compounds go into the formulation of the product.

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