Reasons It Is Harder To Lose Weight With Age

Gaining weight is a problem from which we all suffer at some point in time or another. It might not come to the notice initially, but gradually you can feel the difference. You might start getting tired easily or some of the dresses might not fit you etc. Losing this excess weight is an uphill task. People try various means and ways of shedding those extra pounds but always desired results are not obtained. The problem of losing weight gets more difficult with age. This is applicable for both men and women alike. It has been seen that women who become mothers at an older age find it very difficult to get rid of pregnancy fat and weight. Therefore health experts opine that we must be careful about our weight gain right from our 20s and 30s. Controlling weight at this age is easier when compared to when you are in your 40s.

Various kinds of weight loss supplements are available in the market, which claims to shed off extra pounds from the body in a short span of time. However, many of these supplements come with side effects. Not only this, but the effects of the supplements also are short-lived and don’t show results later. However, there is one effective solution to the problem of weight loss for women especially – namely Eat Sleep Burn. This is not a supplement, but a weight loss program for women. It might take almost 28 days for results to show with this weight loss program. Therefore women have to be consistent and patient at the same time with this program. The processes and procedures mentioned in the program have to be followed meticulously for getting the best results. Many women have tried the program and gained greatly from the same.

Weight Loss

Reasons why it is difficult to lose weight with age

Normal hormonal changes take place in the body

Various kinds of hormonal changes take place in the body of both men and women as part of aging. As per CDC data it has been seen that middle age is the main time when one puts on extra pounds. And these pounds get very difficult to be shed off.

In women, menopause takes place within the age group of 45 and 55 years. During this time, there are great changes in the hormonal levels in the body. Estrogen levels drop greatly in the female body and due to this extra pounds start accumulating around the belly area. Since fat depositions around the belly area becomes very prominent, thus the fat storage makes weight gain more visible and noticeable to the eyes. Various kinds of complications might emanate from this fat storage and weight gain including that of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart and cardiovascular ailments.

The problem in women begin right from perimenopause times – these are the years which lead to menopause. There are fluctuations in estrogen levels and these lead to fluctuations in mood. And when this happens, women find it difficult to stick to an exercise regimen and healthy diet plan. Because of this, weight gain takes place in the transition period to menopause. The average weight gain is about 5 pounds.

For men, hormonal changes take place as well. With age, testosterone levels start decreasing in men. By the time men reach 40 years of age, the rate of decline is almost 1-2% annually. Testosterone has various functions in the male body and among them regulating muscle mass and strength and fat distribution need special mention. The decline in the testosterone levels makes the body less effective for burning calories.

Growth hormones (GH) in the body are secreted from the pituitary gland and there is a decline in the production of these hormones as well with aging. Building and maintaining muscle mass is one of the main functions of growth hormones. When there is a decrease in growth hormones in the body, it becomes difficult to make and maintain muscle mass. This directly impacts how calories are burnt. To summarize, more fat is accumulated in the body, less lean body mass is produced, fewer calories are burnt and hence the result is weight gain.

Age related muscle loss takes place in the body

We all have lean muscle mass in the body and the amount of this mass starts declining by almost 3 – 8% every decade after the age of 30 years. This process is known as sarcopenia. The loss of muscle can also take place is one is not much active due to various health-conditions, which are mainly related to age. One of the best examples in this regard is that of arthritis. Sometimes some kind of injury or even surgery might keep you off activity for many days and muscle loss might take place. The cumulative effects of all these factors are drastic and lead to weight gain.

It is important to understand how and why the loss of muscle mass matters. Lean muscle mass utilizes more calories than fat. If you are strength training every day with weights for maintaining and building muscles, the body will require lesser calories each day. This might lead to weight gain is the same number of calories are consumed as when you were young. Endocrinologists opine that majority of people will not adjust the calories. Since they continue eating the same amount even when they age, they end up gaining weight with time. The reason is that they have the less lean muscle mass to burn the calories and the levels of activity are also less.

Major lifestyle changes take place with aging

You might not pay attention to the fact that various lifestyle changes take place in the life of people after a particular age and that impacts the physical health of a person immensely. The activities which take place inside the body don’t have much to do with this. One of the best instances in this regard is starting a family. The time that used to be invested at the gym is now spent with your kid at home. Also, there are many other responsibilities of the family, which one has to cater to. The result is that people don’t have time for themselves anymore. Exercise and diet routines change and in this slip few extra pounds creep into the body and refuse to go.

The metabolism in the body slows down with age

The metabolic system of the body is one of the most important systems. Metabolism is the process by which calories get converted into energy. This is quite a complex process. The slowing of metabolism can be attributed to a great extent to a decrease in muscle mass. When there are more fat and less muscle, calorie-burning is reduced. Moreover, with aging, people tend to become less active and this is one crucial factor for slow metabolism. Along with age, there are two other important factors too, which impact metabolism in the body – sex and body size. Hypothyroidism is another health condition, which impacts the metabolic rate in the body.

Increased levels of being sedentary and stressed

The career of a person is at its peak by the time he is in his forties and fifties. He has almost achieved success in career and is now looking for a steady move from here. Though this feeling and achievement is no doubt great, it brings with it great weight loss challenges. One of the most common things that is observed is that the person needs to move less. Commuting to and from work might take about an hour or so or little more or less (depending on the distance and the mode of transportation). Rest 8-9 hours of work are mainly restricted to the desk in front of a laptop or a desktop. At the end of the day, one feels so tired and exhausted that one gets home and takes rest. There is just no time for exercising or even a simple walk for the whole day.

Moreover, work related stress and other kinds of stresses are on the constant rise among people, particularly in the age group of 30-45 years. Stress increases the secretion of the hormone ghrelin, which increases one’s appetite and make one feel hungrier quickly. The result is munching on unhealthy snacks or calorie-dense takeout food items. Finally, it contributes to calorie intake and an increase in fat deposition in the body.

It is important that the above mentioned points are considered seriously so that weight loss can be successful even while aging.

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